First we started our SignageTube platform with our player app for the Windows platform. Then we developed our SignageTube Player app for Android, as a typical APK file. An APK file can be compared to a setup.exe on Windows that is used to add an application or program to a computer. The APK file is a setup or package file that you run the install the SignageTube Player app on any Android driven device; a tablet, a phone or a smart TV.

Since today, our SignageTube Player app is now verified and published the Google Play Store. This has a few advantages:

  • SignageTube can now be seen by a larger audience
  • Confidence: the SignageTube Player app is tested and evaluated; it is considered to be safe
  • But the most important advantage is for the users: they will benefit from the live and automatic updates on the player app

Get started. Install the SignageTube Player app direct from the Google Play Store.

SignageTube Player App listed on Google Play Store



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