Fair-Use Policy

We have to ensure that our servers are fit for everyone. Therefore we have a few restrictions that you should be aware of. In general, we want to protect our system to be overloaded with long running transactions. Nothing to worry about.

Our Restrictions

Take this into account when you set up your playlists

Number of Players

Your subscription is allowing you to use our system and servers. When you sign up for a plan, you choose a plan that fits your needs. Basically, you pay a subscription fee per digital signage player. You can connect as many players to your server account as you have subscriptions.

you get access to free professional templates

Free SignageTube Templates

You are allowed to use, customize, and display our SignageTube templates on your screens during the trial period and while you have an active subscription. You can show original and modified SignageTube presentations on a SignageTube player only. You do not hold the right to continue to use our templates after your trial period or after a paid subscription period.

Rendering Time

Videos can be used immediately but presentations need to be converted to a specific SignageTube video format. So for presentations only, we need to use our servers. To ensure uptime and availability, we limit your rendering time to 60 minutes per day per player. So when you have a subscription for 5 players, you are allowed to let our servers render your presentations during 5×1 hours a day. That is 5 hours per day. For normal use, this is more than sufficient.

Unlimited Bandwidth

We do not limit the bandwidth (up and down) that you consume.


Every plan has a limited storage reserved for you. You cannot upload more presentations and videos than your storage allows. Note that presentations are converted to videos and videos typically need more storage.