Digital Signage Reporting

What is Digital Signage Reporting and Why is it Important to you?

Think of running your digital signage without reporting as driving your car without any of your car’s dashboard indicators. Sure, you can still drive, but you don’t know how much fuel you have left, if your engine is overheating or if you are going to get a speeding ticket.

Similarly, your digital signage reporting is a dashboard that shows the health and operation of your digital signage and alerts you to any problems.

Because of this importance, we built in several robust digital signage reporting features in SignageTube.

Errors and Failures

Have you ever driven by a huge digital sign and noticed something equivalent to the “blue screen of death” as their system has failed? You don’t want this happening to you – especially on a public large screen.

You may not think it is a big deal if your advertising is down for a bit, but what if this was failed screen was your digital menu board for your restaurant? Your customers wouldn’t know what to order.

And, if you are charging people for advertising, their ads aren’t being shown while your system is down.

SignageTube lets you monitor errors and glitches in real-time or you can choose to receive live alerts and events via email.

With SignageTube, you don’t just get notifications of errors, you can login and fix the errors remotely by restarting your player or even the remote device the player is running on.

Live Monitoring

With live monitoring on SignageTube, you can easily see what is happening in real-time on any of your screens – even remote screens in other locations.

When choosing your digital signage software, reporting is a key element. That is why we have ensured that SignageTube’s digital signage reporting gives you all the information and controls you need to keep your digital signage advertising network running smoothly.

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