Companies that opt for digital signage solutions always think of ways to cut unnecessary costs and look for solutions that can bring more profits for them. There are also factors such as user-friendly interface, manageability of devices, integration with proper business tools, security, flexibility and proper control of the screens.
More importantly, the range of digital solutions available in the market is huge, but at the same time, the Android-based digital signage or Android Digital Signage offers many opportunities with better deals. This article will help you with the information on what digital signage is and the hidden benefits of using digital signage.
About Digital Signage
Digital Signage displays and software are used to convey messages in public using audio, video, images and other multimedia content. It is a way to advertise and attract customers or address your target audience in a public place. The digital signage displays or screens are installed in several places, including bus stops, malls, food courts, cafes, restaurants, museums, airports, train stations, etc. It is a functional and productive way to convey messages, information, find ways, order food, buy movie tickets and more.
To effectively and efficiently reach or interact with their customers, many businesses and companies use digital signage displays. Companies benefit from using digital signage in many ways, such as enhancing customer experience, expanding brand awareness, promoting newer products, attracting new customers and other marketing and brand-related benefits.
Hidden Benefits of Using Android Digital Signage
Every company that offers Android-based digital signage solutions have their own sets of tools and features. The companies who are thinking about hiring a digital signage supplier should select one based on their requirements. Some companies can prefer digital signage on a budget, and others can look for a straightway method to exhibit their content without any kind of hassle
Android-based digital signage can offer you a lot of hidden benefits if you want to use them for your business. Some of the best deals can only be availed through Android Based Digital Signage suppliers, and let us look at the reasons why:
More Cost-Effective than Traditional Digital Signage
If your business is opting for traditional digital signage display, there is a separate cost included for installation of digital signage display screens, commercial-grade media players, device management and installation. According to the market price, the average cost of installing a digital signage media setup cost is around US 2500 dollars which many companies are not able to afford. For small businesses and projects, the cost is significantly high.
Contrary to this, the installation cost of an android digital signage setup is much lower. Popular android TVs are available at low prices, and they are easily accessible and effortless to install. You can easily get android TVs for around US 200 dollars.

Hardware is Easily Accessible and Available
The market availability of android based digital signage displays or TVs is openly available in the market. Popular brands such as Philips, Sony, Elo, etc., offer multiple options in an affordable price range. You can easily get a 4K media player or 10-inch screen without much hassle. These commercially available media players can easily be installed in your meeting rooms, lobby or public sphere.
Easier Content Management
Content creating and publishing for Digital Content is easier for Android as compared to other platforms. Moreover, for android digital signage content, there is lots of excellent content already available in the market. Another promising feature of android based digital signage systems is that the developers are constantly adding extra-layered security features such as gender or facial recognition software, analytical programs that are very crucial for the business.
You can Control the Whole System more Swiftly
Companies or businesses have to face many challenges while deploying digital signage content. Things like managing the Operating system, remotely controlling and managing the hardware, keeping all the digital signage systems secured and sending security updates brings along many challenges for the companies.
But performing these difficult tasks are easier when applied through an android platform. Additionally, if you integrate mobile devices into this, then the solution will provide you with enhanced control over your system. This way, your overall remote control management will become a lot easier for you.
With the Mobile Device Management (MDM) system, you can easily control your display screens. The kiosk lockdown feature enables you to create a digital signage screen out of any android TV. With all these embedded features, any company that has a tight budget can opt for Android Digital Signage that will enable them to perform all the things they want to do using digital signage.
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