Initially, digital signage in the cloud screens were widely used as a marketing and general information tool. Later, schools from K-12 to college and university campuses adopted digital signage in the cloud technology for disseminating emergency information during times of crisis. This is because the cloud-based tool is highly visible, adaptable and flexible – its contents can change  instantly and promptly tailored to the moment and people-targeted. This makes it efficient for crowd communication and has been proven to greatly enhance rescue efforts in emergency situations.

Since emergencies are happenstances that sometimes cannot be predicted, it therefore becomes necessary to adopt responsive measures in order to minimize loss of lives by properly informing and warning people who might be at risk in such situations. This is why public facilities such as malls, bus stops, hospitals, sport facilities, corporate offices, transport stations and even government institutions have also begun to adopt digital signage in the cloud service as an emergency response tool to get people to safety and abate casualty rates.

emergency information on digital signage

Showing Emergency Information using Digital Signage in the Cloud

Digital signage in the cloud technology has been discovered to be one of the best visual tools for mass communication during emergencies. Unlike the earliest known devices such as intercoms, sirens, buzzers and loudspeakers used for emergency communications, digital signage in the cloud technology for emergency information does not need to be supervised or monitored in real time. Warnings, alerts and adequate safety instructions for emergencies such as earthquakes, rainstorms and tornadoes can be pre-configured before time and stored in the cloud-based digital signage content management system. So, during an emergency, these stored messages are activated to be displayed. Also, some come with default templates that can be modified in short time and then pushed to the screens for display.

This kind of proactive strategy definitely saves time and lives. During emergencies, it is important to make the response time as short as possible as it can determine who dies or lives. So, when these emergency alerts and safety instructions are prepared ahead of time and promptly displayed for mass communication, more time becomes available to get people out of harm’s way.

Moreover, the digital signage in the cloud technology is user-friendly and can be instantly updated. It offers centralized control and can be accessed from any internet-enabled device such as a smartphone, tablet or computer, so the operators do not need to be confined to a specific location to make relevant updates as the emergency situation changes.

In Which Situations can Digital Signage be Used for Emergency Information?

Because of its flexibility, scalability and adaptability, digital signage in the cloud solution can be used for mass communication during rapidly-changing emergency situations such as:

  • Weather emergencies like tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, blizzards, and floods
  • Tremors, earthquakes, landslides, whirlwinds and wildfires
  • Potential terrorist attacks and other life-threatening situations
sending emergency information screen

What Kinds of Emergency Information can be Displayed on Digital Signage in the Cloud Screens?

Digital signage can be used in emergency situations to display catchy graphics and text containing:

  • Accurate descriptions of the emergency situations
  • Reliable and clear instructions on how to respond to the emergency, such as exit routes, safe zone, nearest isolation centers or hospitals during a pandemic, hotlines to call etc.

Tips to Ensure the Efficacy of Digital signage in the Cloud for Emergency Communications

Don’t forget that people will most likely be paranoid, anxious and unsettled during emergencies, so it is recommended that the displayed emergency information messages are accurate, captivating, easy to understand, and should be unambiguous.

Here are some further of the useful tips for using digital signage in the cloud screens as an emergency response tool:

  • Messages should short and precise
  • Use visibly-distinct layouts, bold texts and legible fonts for optimal readability
  • Use proper lighting and animated icons to catch viewer’s attention
  • Use additional tools to augment your digital signage displays like sirens, buzzers, SMS, and email notifications

