Using a digital signage player in addition to the digital signage software is beneficial for almost each and every business. Starting from healthcare, entertainment, education to the finance industry, everyone can reap multiple benefits by using digital signage players.
But before purchasing a digital signage display, it is important to be aware of the basic digital signage feature that should be available in any digital signage software. There are various kinds of digital signage players available in the market and with multiple variations in their features and functionality.
But there are some essential points or features that should be easily accessible in any digital signage player, and this article will provide you with the necessary information before you choose to buy or subscribe to digital signage software. The necessary features mentioned below will let you get the most out of any digital signage software. So without further ado, let us begin:
All the Necessary Features you should look for in a Digital Signage software
The Digital Signage Player must be Easy to Use
The first and foremost feature of using digital signage software is that the software must be user friendly. A digital signage player must be simple and easy to set up for personal or company usage. The using process should be so simple that multiple stakeholders or employees of the organization or company can easily deal with the system on their own and can easily learn how to update their display.
If the software is hard to get a grasp of and people cannot easily handle the things, then if the person goes away for a few days, things may not work out very well for the company. Furthermore, the software should be easy to train several employees on how to manage their displays as well as edit, create and publish any content for their target audience.
Allocate or Schedule your Content from Anywhere in the World
Another major deciding factor for choosing your digital signage player is that the software can let the company access, edit, remove and publish their content from anywhere in the world. This special feature is particularly beneficial for companies that have offices in multiple locations. With these features, you can easily display your content at multiple locations.
A sense of cohesion is added to the company when this feature is being used through digital signage display. Often while expanding their branches in multiple locations, these companies lose out their cohesion sense. Also, keep your content updated in the cloud so that people from other locations can easily manage and update the contents whenever required.
Secured Access to Multiple Users
If multiple users can access the digital signage display content, then it becomes easier for the companies to handle their content. This way, the digital signage player using the company can distribute the content responsibilities to different employees with respect to their designation.
For example, in an organization, one employee may be responsible for updating content such as revenue, profit margin, etc. on the other, someone else may be responsible for updating things like memes, funny videos, motivational quotes, etc. Only the person responsible for posting and updating all the content can be overbearing, through distributing the workload, people can make the most out of the digital signage software and be productive at the same.
This feature will give access to the company display dashboard from multiple devices and locations so people can access the software however and whenever they like. The multi-user feature of the software also becomes effective when the content of the display needs to be suddenly edited or removed. As another example, if a restaurant is no longer serving a dish, any employee of the restaurant can access the digital display player and make the necessary changes required (which in this case is removing the item that is not being served). Things can be a lot easier if multiple employees can do it.
The Display should have Multiple Layouts
The digital signage software company should provide their customers with multiple layouts in their digital signage display software so that they can easily choose the ideal display layout and edit the screen to create their own unique content. This way, the marketing department of the company can come up with multiple ideas that the software can support.
The Digital Signage Player should support both Videos and Presentations
The best and effective way to keep your audience engaged is to have a mix of presentations and videos in your advertising content. It has already been proven that in marketing, using videos and presentations is a great idea. So while posting your digital signage display content, you don’t want to limit the choice of the content you can post. Therefore, while you are looking for a digital signage player, keep the video integration feature in your mind. With a presentation you can easily mix multiple slides with texts and images.
Integration of Specific Applications
Apart from the video and image integration feature, you would want to look for a bit more options to go with. Integration of specific apps is also a feature you should look for while dealing with digital signage players. For example, you can integrate a weather forecast app through which people can also know about the weather situation of the place they are currently in. You can also include time apps or let people know about what is going on in the company’s social media handle.
Routine Software Updates
Before purchasing a digital signage player, you need to find out if the software company sends routine software updates. After making a significant amount of investment, you don’t want the software to be outdated or not eligible for further usage. The updates will also keep on informing you how the display content is performing at certain periods of time.
There are plenty of digital signage players available in the market, and they have their own unique features or USP, but as a consumer, it is up to you to choose the right one. So that you will not have to worry about paying additional money to get access to other attributes that are not included in the software you are currently using, as the customer of digital signage display software, you and your company deserve the best and the latest features of the software can be more beneficial for you.
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