Changelog Windows Application
1.0.12 | 22 January 2020
- Correct processing and setting of the synchronization bit of a player in the web application (players view)
1.0.10 | 18 October 2019
- Exit button added
1.0.9 | 19 September 2019
- Correction to the AutoLogon setting after updating the setup
1.0.8 | 10 September 2019
- Logging for Proof of Play, to confirm what has been shown physically on the screens
1.0.7 | 02 September 2019
- Windows Auto-Logon added
Changelog Android Application
1.0.0 | 4 February 2020
- Initial version
Changelog Web app
10 September 2019
- Administrator can change default timezone
02 September 2019
- Initial version